
Ludo is a children's game created in late Victorian times and based upon the ancient Indian game. There are other Western versions of such as from Spain, Parcheesi from the USA, a form of Ludo played in the Royal Navy (and apparently some non-British navies) on a Ludo board.

How do I withdraw cash?

  • You can Withdraw Cash at any time by going to Wallet screen and clicking on Withdrawal.
  • Money can be withdrew only if your Ludo fantasy account is verified. Once your account is verified, start withdrawing.
  • Minimum withdrawal amount is Rs 50.
  • Only winning amount can be withdrawn.

How to Play Ludo Game Online?

To Play Ludo Fantasy, You need to follow stated rules

There is a virtual ludo board in ludo fantasy mobile game app.

  • There is a ludo board, it is a square with a pattern on it in the shape of a cross, each arm being divided into three adjacent columns of eight squares. The middle squares form the home column for each and cannot be landed upon by other.
  • The middle of the cross forms a large square which is the 'home' area and which is divided into 4 home triangles, one of each. At each corner, separate to the main circuit are circles (or squares) where the pieces are placed to begin.
  • The starting square, the starting circle, the home triangle and all the home column squares are to match the corresponding pieces.
  • Each player chooses one of the 4 (green, yellow, red or blue) and places the 4 pieces of that in the corresponding starting circle. A single die is thrown to determine movement.
  • Players take turns in clockwise order. Each throw, the player decides which piece to move. A piece simply moves in a clockwise direction around the track given by the number thrown. If no piece can legally move according to the number thrown, play passes to the next player.
  • A throw of 6 gives another turn. However, continuous 3 times throw of 6 spoils your turn and gives the turn to the next player.
  • If a piece lands on a piece of a different, the piece jumped upon is returned to its starting circle. And If a piece lands upon a piece of the same, this forms a block. This block cannot be passed or landed on by an opposing piece.

How to Win Ludo Game Online? (How to Earn Ludo Cash with Real Money Earning Games in India)

When a piece has circumnavigated the board, it proceeds up the home column. A piece can only be moved onto the home triangle by an exact throw. The first person to move all 4 pieces into the home triangle wins.

If there are 2 and 3 players in the game, one will win the Ludo game and if there are four players, two players can win the game.

If you are playing this Ludo wala game for the first time, you need to make an account by entering your mobile number and verify via OTP for login.

Let’s start the Ludo dikhao game & make your luck move!

LUDO FANTASY has safe platform with 100% safety& security to withdraw earned money. User can withdraw earned money via UPI or Bank Account.

In this new Ludo game, user can easily deposit money and start playing game by selecting preferred tables.

Classic Ludo - Prize Distribution

Quick Game (1 Winner )

2 Player & 2 Token
Room Entry Winner
5 8.5
10 17.5
20 35
50 87
100 180
200 360
500 900
1000 1800
2000 3600
3000 5400
5000 9000

2 Player (1 Winner )

2 Player & 4 Token
Room Entry Winner
10 17.5
20 35
50 87
100 180
200 365
500 900
1000 1800
2000 3700
3000 5600

4 Player (2 Winner )

4 Player & 4 Token
Room Entry 1st Winner 2nd Winner
10 20 10
20 40 20
50 120 50
100 250 100